definition_editor |
depicted by
depicted_by |
deprecated |
description adapted from source
SCDO_0000363 |
[An assertion of whether or not the term/class description is an adaptation of the description in the description source.] |
UBPROP_0000011 |
[Notes on the ontogenic development of instances of this class.] |
different from
P1889 |
RO_0002174 |
[S dubious_for_taxon T if it is probably the case that no instances of S can be found in any instance of T.] |
editor note
IAO_0000116 |
[管理者注释用于其编辑器。它可能不包含在本体的出版版本中,所以它应该不包含最终用户了解本体所需的信息。, An administrative note intended for its editor. It may not be included in the publication version of the ontology, so it should contain nothing necessary for end users to understand the ontology.] |
editor preferred term~editor preferred label
IAO_0000111 |
[The concise, meaningful, and human-friendly name for a class or property preferred by the ontology developers. (US-English), 对于一类或属性的简洁的、有意义的、与人类友好的名称由本体开发商首选。 (美国英语)] |
IAO_0000600 |
equivalent property
equivalentProperty |
example of usage
IAO_0000112 |
[A phrase describing how a class name should be used. May also include other kinds of examples that facilitate immediate understanding of a class semantics, such as widely known prototypical subclasses or instances of the class. Although essential for high level terms, examples for low level terms (e.g., Affymetrix HU133 array) are not, A phrase describing how a term should be used and/or a citation to a work which uses it. May also include other kinds of examples that facilitate immediate understanding, such as widely know prototypes or instances of a class, or cases where a relation is said to hold.] |
excluded from QC check
excluded_from_qc_check |
excluded subClassOf
excluded_subClassOf |
existence in other ontologies
SCDO_1000288 |
[An indication of whether a term/class already exists in other ontologies. Only used for term (descriptions) that were not taken directly from an existing ontology.] |
expand assertion to
IAO_0000425 |
UBPROP_0000001 |
[An alternate textual definition for a class taken unmodified from an external source. This definition may have been used to derive a generalized definition for the new class.] |
UBPROP_0000012 |
[Notes on how similar or equivalent classes are represented in other ontologies.] |
UBPROP_0000202 |
formula |