a gene expression regulation process that involves the regulation of a gene transcription.

This is just here as a test because I lose it

Term information

alternative term

regulation of gene transcription

has keyword dependency pattern

amod(transcription, controlling), amod(transcription, dependent), amod(expression, dependent), nsubj(dependent, transcription), nsubj(control, expression), nmod:for(regulator, transcription), nmod:of(activator, transcription), nsubjpass(recognized, promoter)

has literature mining keywords

transcribed, transcribed by, regulates the transcription of, regulated the transcription of, regulates // transcription, regulated // transcription, under the control of // transcription, essential for // transcription, trascription depends, transcription // dependent, control // transcription, controlling // transcription, requires // transcription

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term editor


Term relations

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