A clinical trial that uses an investigational agent that is available only in very limited quantities and which has never previously given to humans or for which there is extremely limited human experience. Phase 0 clinical trials are intended to enable researchers to understand the path of the drug in the body and its efficacy. Adverse event reporting in Phase 0 trials is expedited.

Synonyms: 0 Phase 0 Trial Pre-clinical Trial Pre-Clinical Trial phase 0 Trial Phase 0 Phase 0 PHASE 0 TRIAL

This is just here as a test because I lose it

Term information


NCIT_C132298, NCIT_C66737, NCIT_C66830, NCIT_C61410, NCIT_C67497


First-in-human trials, in a small number of subjects, that are conducted before Phase 1 trials and are intended to assess new candidate therapeutic and imaging agents. The study agent is administered at a low dose for a limited time, and there is no therapeutic or diagnostic intent. NOTE: FDA Guidance for Industry, Investigators, and Reviewers: Exploratory IND Studies, January 2006 classifies such studies as Phase 1. NOTE: A Phase 0 study might not include any drug delivery but may be an exploration of human material from a study (e.g., tissue samples or biomarker determinations). [Improving the Quality of Cancer Clinical Trials: Workshop summary-Proceedings of the National Cancer Policy Forum Workshop, improving the Quality of Cancer Clinical Trials (Washington, DC, Oct 2007)]

First-in-human trials, in a small number of subjects, that are conducted before Phase 1 trials and are intended to assess new candidate therapeutic and imaging agents. The study agent is administered at a low dose for a limited time, and there is no therapeutic or diagnostic intent. NOTE: FDA Guidance for Industry, Investigators, and Reviewers: Exploratory IND Studies, January 2006 classifies such studies as Phase 1. NOTE: A Phase 0 study might not include any drug delivery but may be an exploration of human material from a study (e.g., tissue samples or biomarker determinations). [Improving the Quality of Cancer Clinical Trials: Workshop summary-Proceedings of the National Cancer Policy Forum Workshop, improving the Quality of Cancer Clinical Trials (Washington, DC, Oct 2007)] (CDISC glossary)

Contributing Source



Legacy Concept Name


Preferred Name

Phase 0 Trial

Semantic Type

Research Activity





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