Clinical Dementia Rating Scale score
GECKO_0000143 |
[A cognitive measurement that is the output (score) from the Clinical Dementia Rating Scale.] |
NCIT_C16436 |
[Chromogranins are acidic secretory glycoproteins with a widespread but specific distribution in neuroendocrine tissues. The chromogranin family is heterogenous, consisting of propeptides such as chromogranin-A, chromogranin-B and secretogranin II, which can either elicit an effect themselves, or serve as precursors to a large number of peptides, which are biologically more active.] |
Peptide Hormone
NCIT_C1746 |
[Small proteins that function as hormonal signals, synthesized and secreted by one tissue or organ with physiological effects on other tissues or organs.] |
organism substance
UBERON_0000463 |
[Material anatomical entity in a gaseous, liquid, semisolid or solid state; produced by anatomical structures or derived from inhaled and ingested substances that have been modified by anatomical structures as they pass through the body.] |
material anatomical entity
UBERON_0000465 |
[Anatomical entity that has mass.] |
immaterial anatomical entity
UBERON_0000466 |
[Anatomical entity that has no mass.] |
anatomical space
UBERON_0000464 |
[Non-material anatomical entity of three dimensions, that is generated by morphogenetic or other physiologic processes; is surrounded by one or more anatomical structures; contains one or more organism substances or anatomical structures.] |
DOID_9970 |
[An overnutrition that is characterized by excess body fat, traditionally defined as an elevated ratio of weight to height (specifically 30 kilograms per meter squared), has_material_basis_in a multifactorial etiology related to excess nutrition intake, decreased caloric utilization, and genetic susceptibility, and possibly medications and certain disorders of metabolism, endocrine function, and mental illness.] |
disease of metabolism
DOID_0014667 |
[A disease that involving errors in metabolic processes of building or degradation of molecules.] |
Homo sapiens
NCBITaxon_9606 |
[The primate species of mammal to which modern humans belong.] |
NCBITaxon_40674 |
[Warm-blooded vertebrate animals belonging to the class Mammalia, including all that possess hair and suckle their young.] |
digestive system disease
MONDO_0004335 |
[A disease or disorder that involves the digestive system.] |
OGMS_0000031 |
[A disposition (i) to undergo pathological processes that (ii) exists in an organism because of one or more disorders in that organism.] |
nervous system disease
DOID_863 |
[A disease of anatomical entity that is located_in the central nervous system or located_in the peripheral nervous system.] |
Montreal Cognitive Assessment Test score
GECKO_0000137 |
[A cognitive measurement that is the output (score) from the Montreal Cognitive Assessment Test (MoCA) for Dementia] |
Mini-Mental State Exam score
GECKO_0000135 |
[A cognitive measurement that is an output (score) from the Mini-Mental State Exam.] |
CHEBI_2627 |
[A symmetrical oxalamide-based bis-quaternary ammonium ion having ethyl and 2-chlorobenzyl groups attached to the nitrogens.] |
Alzheimer's Disease Assessment Scale score
GECKO_0000134 |
[A cognitive measurement that is an output (score) from the Alzheimer's Disease Assessment Scale.] |
MOP_0000030 |
[Formation of a covalent bond between a substrate and an acetyl group.] |
formation of covalent bond
MOP_0000779 |
[A molecular process in which a covalent bond is formed.] |