All terms in ADO

Label Id Description
CA1 OGG_3000000759
IFI44 OGG_3000010561
Abnormal nervous system physiology HP_0012638 [A functional anomaly of the nervous system.]
Abnormality of the nervous system HP_0000707 [An abnormality of the nervous system.]
hydroxides CHEBI_24651 [Hydroxides are chemical compounds containing a hydroxy group or salts containing hydroxide (OH(-)).]
oxygen molecular entity CHEBI_25806
hydrogen molecular entity CHEBI_33608
Adenine Nucleotides OMIT_0001660
GSR OGG_3000002936
DNA Fragmentation OMIT_0025630
disposition BFO_0000016
sulfur molecular entity CHEBI_26835
anatomical cluster UBERON_0000477 [Anatomical group that has its parts adjacent to one another.]
GSK3A OGG_3000002931
DAB1 OGG_3000001600
EIF2A OGG_3000083939
GSK3B OGG_3000002932
Cytoplasm FMA_66835 [Cell component which has as its direct parts a portion of cytosol and one or more organelles. Examples: cytoplasm of hepatocyte, cytoplasm of erythrocyte, cytoplasm of thrombocyte, cytoplasm of neuron.]
mental disposition MF_0000033 [A mental disposition is a bodily disposition that is realized in a mental process. ]
cerebro-spinal tap ERO_0001071 [A technique used to collect cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from an organism, which involves inserting a needle between the third and fourth lumbar vertebrae in the back and extracting a sample of fluid.]