The written description of the clinical study, including objective(s), design, and methods. It may also include relevant scientific background and statistical considerations (if the protocol document includes the statistical analysis plan, use "Study Protocol with SAP and/or ICF" option). Note: All amendments approved by a human subjects protection review board (if applicable), before the time of submission and that apply to all clinical trial Facility Locations must be included. [ ]
Term information
NCIT_C132298, NCIT_C132310, NCIT_C61410
The formal plan of an experiment or research activity, including the objective, rationale, design, materials and methods for the conduct of the study, intervention description, and method of data analysis.
The written description of the clinical study, including objective(s), design, and methods. It may also include relevant scientific background and statistical considerations (if the protocol document includes the statistical analysis plan, use "Study Protocol with SAP and/or ICF" option). Note: All amendments approved by a human subjects protection review board (if applicable), before the time of submission and that apply to all clinical trial Facility Locations must be included.
The formal plan of an experiment or research activity, including the objective, rationale, design, materials and methods for the conduct of the study; intervention description, and method of data analysis.