This is just here as a test because I lose it

Term information

alternative term

experimental design

curator note

rediscussed at length (MC/JF/BP). 12/9/08). The definition was clarified to differentiate it from protocol.


A plan specification comprised of protocols (which may specify how and what kinds of data will be gathered) that are executed as part of an investigation and is realized during a study design execution.

editor note

Editor note: there is at least an implicit restriction on the kind of data transformations that can be done based on the measured data available.

editor preferred term

study design

example of usage

a matched pairs study design describes criteria by which subjects are identified as pairs which then undergo the same protocols, and the data generated is analyzed by comparing the differences between the paired subjects, which constitute the results of the executed study design.

has curation status

imported from


term editor

PERSON: Chris Stoeckert

Term relations

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