Term information
In 2015, the ILAE Task Force on Classification of Status Epilepticus did proposed that time t1 (indicating the time that emergency treatment should be started because the seizure is unlikely to terminate spontaneously) is 5 minutes and t2 (the time at which long-term consequences of the seizure may be expected) is 30 minutes for convulsive (tonic-clonic) status epilepticus.This 5-minute timeframe has been endorsed by the 2012 Neurocritical Care Society Guidelines and the 2016 American Epilepsy Society Guidelines to guide when emergent treatment for convulsive status epilepticus should start. This term includes convulsive status epilepticus of focal, generalized or unknown onset.
A type of status epilepticus characterized by a prolonged bilateral tonic-clonic seizure, or repeated bilateral tonic-clonic seizures without recovery between. comment: source: seeAlso: Tonic-clonic status epilepticus