Montreal Cognitive Assessment Functional Test
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NCIT_C120166, NCIT_C66830, NCIT_C61410, NCIT_C115304, NCIT_C115302
Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) (Copyright Z. Nasreddine MD. Ziad S. Nasreddine, Natalie A. Phillips, Valerie Bedirian, Simon Charbonneau, Victor Whitehead, Isabelle Collin, Jeffrey L. Cummings and Howard Chertkow. The Montreal Cognitive Assessment, MoCA: A Brief Screening Tool For Mild Cognitive Impairment. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2005 Apr;53(4):695-9).
A standardized rating scale developed by Ziad Nasreddine in 1996 to screen for mild cognitive dysfunction and impairment. This instrument assesses the following cognitive domains: attention and concentration, executive functions, memory, language, visuoconstructional skills, conceptual thinking, calculations, and orientation.
Montreal Cognitive Assessment Functional Test
Montreal Cognitive Assessment