All terms in EPO

Label Id Description
Generalized convulsive status epilepticus HP_0032661
blood protein measurement CMO_0000028
juvenile absence epilepsy DOID_0060172
adolescent/adult-onset epilepsy syndrome MONDO_0100030
idiopathic generalized epilepsy DOID_1827
worthiness worthiness
emotion process MFOEM_000001
Non-convulsive status epilepticus with coma HP_0032659
Status epilepticus without prominent motor symptoms HP_0031475
Status epilepticus HP_0002133
ectopic neuron MP_0011723
brain disease DOID_936
benign familial infantile epilepsy DOID_0060169
idiopathic or cryptogenic familial epilepsy syndrome with identified loci/genes MONDO_0015654
benign partial infantile seizures MONDO_0015642
complex febrile model complex_febrile_model
hyperthermic seizure model hyperthermic_seizure_model
epileptic encephalopathy with continous spikes and wave during sleep epileptic_encephalopathy_with_continous_spikes_and_wave_during_sleep
childhood-onset epilepsy syndrome MONDO_0020072
cell measurement CMO_0000227