All terms in NIFT

Label Id Description
99mTc-ECD 99mTc-ECD
Radiopharmaceutical compound Radiopharmaceutical_compound
Macrostructural metric measure Macrostructural_metric_measure
Measured feature Measured_Features
Volume left gyrus insular lg and sulcus central insular Vol_LeftG_Ins_lg_and_S_cent_ins
Brain volume brain_volume
Volume Right Gyrus and Sulcus Transverse Frontopolar Vol_RightG_and_S_transv_frontopol
Non-invasive imaging Non-invasive
Imaging Technique ImagingTechnique
Cerebrospinal fluid Cerebrospinal_fluid
Midbrain to pons area ratio midbrain_to_pons_area_ratio
Parkinson fatigue scale Parkinson_Fatigue_Scale
Parkinson disease Parkinson_Disease
Volume Left Sulcus Temporal Superior Vol_LeftS_temporal_sup
Memory alteration test - recognition Memory_Alteration_Test_-_Recognition
Memory alteration test Memory_Alteration_Test
Parietal Lobe Parietal_Lobe
Lobe of Cerebral Cortex Lobe_of_Cerebral_Cortex
Cingulate Sulcus Cingulate_Sulcus
Frontal lobe Frontal_lobe