Functional magnetic resonance imaging
Functional_Magnetic_Resonance_Imaging |
Thickness Right Gyrus Cuneus
Thick_RightG_cuneus |
Temporal Pole
Temporal_Pole |
Unified Parkinsons Disease Rating Scale - TURNING IN BED
Unified_Parkinsons_Disease_Rating_Scale_-_TURNING_IN_BED |
Volume Left Sulcus Suborbital
Vol_LeftS_suborbital |
Hippocampal perfusion
Hippocampal_Perfusion |
Perfusion |
Thickness Left Sulcus Pericallosal
Thick_LeftS_pericallosal |
Triangular Part of the Inferior Frontal Gyrus
Triangular_Part_of_the_Inferior_Frontal_Gyrus |
Volume left gyrus temporal middle
Vol_LeftG_temporal_middle |
Montreal cognitive assessment - attention - forward digit span
Montreal_Cognitive_Assessment_-_Attention_-_Forward_Digit_Span |
Thickness Left Gyrus and Sulcus Occipital Inferior
Thick_Left_Gyrus_and_Sulcus_occipital_inferior |
Frequency of abnormal movement scale
Frequency_of_Abnormal_Movement_Scale |
Occipital glucose hypometabolism
Occipital_Glucose_Hypometabolism |
Neuropsychological assessments
Neuropsychological_Assessments |
Unified Parkinsons Disease Rating Scale - URINARY PROBLEMS
Unified_Parkinsons_Disease_Rating_Scale_-_URINARY_PROBLEMS |
Amyloid imaging
Amyloid_imaging |
Volume Right Gyrus and Sulcus Cingulate Middle Anterior
Vol_RightG_and_S_cingul_Mid_Ant |
Hippocampal swelling
Hippocampal_swelling |