Dopaminergic Neurons
dopaminergic_neurons |
Unified Parkinsons Disease Rating Scale - HANDWRITING
Unified_Parkinsons_Disease_Rating_Scale_-_HANDWRITING |
Tempral Left Grey Matter
TL_gm |
Thickness Left Gyrus Occipital Middle
Thick_LeftG_occipital_middle |
18 F-2-deoxy-D-glucose
18_F-2-deoxy-D-glucose |
Ultrasound imaging
Ultrasound |
Multidimensional fatigue inventory
Multidimensional_Fatigue_Inventory |
MRI Clinical Read
MRI_Clinical_Read |
Memory alteration test - orientation
Memory_Alteration_Test_-_Orientation |
Unified Parkinsons Disease Rating Scale - 3.5a Hand Movements - Right Hand
Unified_Parkinsons_Disease_Rating_Scale_-_3.5a_Hand_Movements_-_Right_Hand |
Logical memory
Logical_Memory |
X-ray fluorescence imaging
X-ray_fluorescence_imaging |
List of words
List_of_Words |
Superior Parietal Lobule
Superior_Parietal_Lobule |
Montreal cognitive assessment - attention - serial 7s
Montreal_Cognitive_Assessment_-_Attention_-_Serial_7s |
Unified Parkinsons Disease Rating Scale - PAIN AND OTHER SENSATIONS
Unified_Parkinsons_Disease_Rating_Scale_-_PAIN_AND_OTHER_SENSATIONS |
Intracranial volume
Intracranial_volume |
Long Insular Gyrus and Sulcus of the Insula
Long_Insular_Gyrus_and_Sulcus_of_the_Insula |
Cowad rey figure score
Cowad_Rey_Figure_Score |
Scores |