COMT knockout mouse model
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No reference ontology to BFO classification available. 'COMT knockout model' is a 'transgenic model'. 'transgenic model' is classified under BFO class 'information content entity' and so is 'COMT knockout model'.
Mice lacking Catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT), a primary DA metabolizing enzyme in the PFC and amygdala. COMT-KO mice exhibited an attenuated response to inhibition of DA transporter (DAT) and amphetamine in the induced locomotor activity test, female-specific increases in anxiety-like behavior, male-specific increases in aggression, altered exploration and habituation in the open field test, and increased vulnerability to the disruptive effects of delta9-tetrahydrocannabino. Male COMT-KO mice displayed mild improvements in spatial and working memory.