DRD2 over-expression mouse model
Go to external page https://bio.scai.fraunhofer.de/ontology/schizophrenia#DRD2_over-expression_mouse_model
This is just here as a test because I lose it
Term information
No reference ontology to BFO classification available. 'DRD2 over-expression model' is a 'transgenic model'. 'transgenic model' is classified under BFO class 'information content entity' and so is 'DRD2 over-expression model'.
Transgenic mice that selectively overexpress D2 receptors on medium spiny neurones in the striatum. In this model, the effects of striatal D2 receptor overexpression involve a frontocortico-striatal loop and disruption of excitatory-inhibitory signalling in the PFC , supporting relevance to the induction and expression of negative symptoms.