All properties in ADO

Label Id Description
ALT_DEFINITION NCIT_P325 [A property representing the English language definition of a concept from a source other than NCI.]
Accepted_Therapeutic_Use_For NCIT_P302 [A property representing a disease or condition for which this drug is an accepted treatment. Used in the Drug, Food, Chemical or Biomedical Material branch.]
BFO CLIF specification label BFO_0000180 [Relates an entity in the ontology to the term that is used to represent it in the the CLIF specification of BFO2]
BFO OWL specification label BFO_0000179 [Relates an entity in the ontology to the name of the variable that is used to represent it in the code that generates the BFO OWL file from the lispy specification.]
CAS_Registry NCIT_P210 [A property representing the Chemical Abstracts Service number for a Chemical or Drug.]
CHEBI_ID NCIT_P368 [A property representing that a concept in the 'Drug, Food, Chemical or Biomedical Material' branch of the NCI thesaurus maps to a specific concept in the EBI Chemical Entities of Biological Interest (CHEBI) database.]
Chemical_Formula NCIT_P350 [A property representing a concise expression about the atoms that constitute a particular chemical compound.]
CommentOnDefinition CommentOnDefinition
Concept_Status NCIT_P310 [A property used to indicate the standing of a concept in relation to currently accepted classifications and concepts. In NCI Thesaurus concept status subtype indicates concepts with unusual and problematic characteristics that should be evaluated by people and/or programs before those concept are used.]
Contributing_Source NCIT_P322 [A property is used to indicate when a non-EVS entity has contributed to, and has a stake in, a concept. This is used where such entities, within or outside NCI, have indicated the need to be able to track their own concepts. A single concept can have multiple instances of this property if multiple entities have such a defined stake.]
Creator creator [An entity primarily responsible for making the resource. (This property is used in the SCDO when a term was created by the SCDO Working Group or a curator.) The SCDO uses this especially to apply to term descriptions.]
Date date
Description description
DesignNote NCIT_P98 [A property representing notations made by NCI vocabulary curators. They are intended to provide supplemental, unstructured information to the user or additional insight about the concept., Design notes are notations made by NCI vocabulary curators. They are intended to provide supplemental, unstructured information to the user or additional insight about the concept.]
Display_Name NCIT_P107 [Provides an alternative Preferred Name for use in some NCI systems., A property representing an alternative Preferred Name for use in some NCI systems.]
FDA_Table NCIT_P317 [A property used to flag terms that are part of an FDA data standard manual, including Route of Administration, Dosage Form, Package Type and Potency.]
FDA_UNII_Code NCIT_P319 [A property representing the FDA Unique Ingredient Identifier, a key component of the federal drug information model.]
HGNC_ID NCIT_P369 [A property representing that a concept in the 'Gene' branch of the NCI thesaurus maps to a HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee (HGNC) certified gene.]
Has_NICHD_Parent NCIT_A11 [An association created to allow the source NICHD to assign a parent to each concept with the intent of creating a hierarchy that includes only terms in which they are a contributing source.]
IAO_0000231 IAO_0000231