All properties in ADO

Label Id Description
IAO_0010000 IAO_0010000
IAO_0100001 IAO_0100001
ICD-9-CM P1692
IEDB alternative term OBI_9991118 [An alternative term used by the IEDB.]
IHCC browser label GECKO_9000001
IHCC category GECKO_9000000
ISA alternative term OBI_0001847 [An alternative term used by the ISA tools project (]
Is_PCDC_AML_Permissible_Value_For_Variable NCIT_A24 [An association that indicates a PCDC AML concept is a Permissible Value for a PCDC AML Variable concept.]
Is_PCDC_EWS_Permissible_Value_For_Variable NCIT_A28 [An association that indicates a PCDC EWS concept is a Permissible Value for a specific PCDC EWS Variable concept.]
KEGG_ID NCIT_P215 [A property representing the KEGG ID code for a pathway. It can be used to link a KEGG pathway reference to the primary pathway information.]
LINCS ID CLO_0000178
Legacy Concept Name NCIT_P366 [A property representing a retired unique concept identifier created and stored as Concept Name by legacy EVS software. Use of these values was long discouraged, but continued as late as 2009 when creation of new values ceased and Concept Name was retired. Legacy values are intended solely to help resolve and update earlier coding.]
Library of Congress Classification P1149
Library of Congress Subject Headings Q1823134
Maps_To NCIT_P375 [A property representing that a term in another terminology has been mapped to a term in NCIt and describes the relationship between the mapped terms.]
MeSH Descriptor ID P486
Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities ID P3201
NCBI GeneID OGG_0000000006 [A GeneID in the NCBI Gene database ]
NCBI LocusTag OGG_0000000007 [the NCBI LocusTag name of a gene ]
NCBI_Taxon_ID NCIT_P331 [A property that is used to establish correspondence between the NCI Thesaurus concept representing a taxon (species) and the NCBI/NLM Species Taxonomy ID assigned by the NCBI to that taxon.]