All properties in ADO

Label Id Description
NCI Thesaurus ID P1748
NCIT code OPMI_0000364 [An annotation property that refers to a code defined by NCIT]
NCI_META_CUI NCIT_P208 [A property representing the concept unique identifier (CUI) for those concepts that appear in NCI Metathesaurus but not in the National Library of Medicine Unified Medical Language System (NLM UMLS).]
NICHD_Hierarchy_Term NCIT_P371 [A property representing a term chosen by NICHD to be used in the representation of the NICHD hierarchy.]
OBO foundry unique label IAO_0000589 [An alternative name for a class or property which is unique across the OBO Foundry.]
OMIM_Number NCIT_P100 [A property representing the accession number for a Protein or Gene within the OMIM database.]
Preferred_Name NCIT_P108 [A property representing the word or phrase that NCI uses by preference to refer to the concept., The word or phrase that NCI uses by preference to refer to the concept.]
RUBRIC ICO_0000321
Related_To_Genetic_Biomarker NCIT_A13 [An association that indicates that a finding or lab test is related to a gene, possibly through a variant or product.]
SNOMED CT Identifier P5806
STATO alternative term STATO_0000032 [an alternative term used for STATO statistical ontology and ISA team]
Semantic_Type NCIT_P106 [The semantic type describes the sort of thing or category to which a concept belongs in the context of the UMLS semantic network., A property that represents a description of the sort of thing or category to which a concept belongs in the context of the UMLS semantic network.]
TopObjectProperty TopObjectProperty
UMLS_CUI NCIT_P207 [Concept Unique Identifiers, or CUIs, are concept numbers assigned by the National Library of Medicine (NLM). If a concept in any NCI-maintained knowledgebase exists in the NLM Unified Medical Language System (UMLS), NCI includes the NLM CUI among the information we provide about the concept., A property representing the concept unique identifier (CUI) assigned by the National Library of Medicine (NLM). If a concept in any NCI-maintained knowledgebase exists in the NLM Unified Medical Language System (UMLS), NCI includes the NLM CUI among the information we provide about the concept.]
VariantisGeneticRiskFactorFor ADO_0000013 [The subject gene has variation that can lead to an increased disease risk, but does not directly cause a disease.]
alternate name alternateName
alternative term IAO_0000118 [一类或属性的替代名称,这意味着与所述首选名称同样的事物(语义上等价), An alternative name for a class or property which means the same thing as the preferred name (semantically equivalent)]
alternative_term alternative_term
axiom_lost_from_external_ontology UBPROP_0000002 [A textual description of an axiom loss in this ontology compared to an external ontology.]