All properties in ADO

Label Id Description
has_alternative_id hasAlternativeId [ID of merged class.]
has_obo_namespace hasOBONamespace [Name space of the ontology.]
has_rank has_rank [A metadata relation between a class and its taxonomic rank (eg species, family)]
has_relational_adjective UBPROP_0000007
homology_notes UBPROP_0000003 [Notes on the homology status of this class.]
id id [An identifier is an information content entity that is the outcome of a dubbing process and is used to refer to one instance of entity shared by a group of people to refer to that individual entity.]
id id
identifier identifier
imported from IAO_0000412 [For external terms/classes, the ontology from which the term was imported, 外部术语/类,术语引入的本体]
in minimal requirement ONS subset in_minimal_requirements_subset [Annotation properties assigning a class to the ONS-subset of metadata search classes. Set value to "TRUE" to assign a class.]
in subset of ONS in_ONS_subset [Super-property collecting all annotation properties assigning classes in ONS to specific subset (i.e. Metadata search). For each subset, there will be an annotation property. To assign a class to a subset, set the annotation property value to "TRUE"]
in_subset inSubset [An association that connects the concept defining a particular terminology subset with concepts that belong to this subset., Used to associate the concept defining a particular terminology subset with concepts that belong to this subset., In subset.]
inchi inchi
inchikey inchikey
is directional form of RO_0004048
is positive form of RO_0004049
is referenced by isReferencedBy
isAnatomicalEntityFor ADO_0000009 [A relation describing an anatomical feature of the referenced object with a material entity.]
isCellularProcessFor ADO_0000008 [The subject describes any process that is carried out at the cellular level, but not necessarily restricted to a single cell for the object.]
isClinicalMarkerFor ADO_0000007 [An subject that is a symptom, a sign, an underlying disease, a molecular abnormality, or a clinical result/outcome characterised as the key marker for the diagnosis/onset/classification of a certain condition (object).]