All properties in ADO

Label Id Description
isDiagnosisFor ADO_0000006 [The subject is a technique carried out in a clinical assessment for evaluation of a condition (object).]
isModelFor ADO_0000005 [The subject serves as an in vivo model for the study of a certain phenotype (object) during pre-clinical phase.]
isRiskFactorFor ADO_0000004 [The subject possesses characteristics leading to an increased risk in developing a certain phenotype or condition (object). The example of risk factors could be age, family history, consumption of certain products, being exposed to chemicals or radiations, having certain underlying conditions or being infected by an microorganism]
isSignAndSymptomFor ADO_0000003 [The subject describes as sign/symptom or multiple signs/symptoms for the object.]
isTreatmentFor ADO_0000002 [The subject describes a clinically approved drug or therapy for a condition (object).]
is_class_level is_class_level
is_metadata_tag is_metadata_tag
is_metadata_tag is_metadata_tag
label label [A human-readable name for the class/term., A human readable name for this class.]
license license
logical macro assertion RO_0002416
logical macro assertion on a property RO_0002421
logical macro assertion on an object property RO_0002422
mass mass
modification date OGG_0000000009 [a date of content modification]
molecularly interacts with RO_0002436
monoisotopicmass monoisotopicmass
never_in_taxon RO_0002161 [S never_in_taxon T iff: S SubClassOf in_taxon only not T., x never in taxon T if and only if T is a class, and x does not instantiate the class expression "in taxon some T". Note that this is a shortcut relation, and should be used as a hasValue restriction in OWL.]
nomenclature status OGG_0000000019 [an annotation property that specifies a nomenclature status]
notation notation